1. Ancient Sculptures:
    • The 11th-century bronze statue of Nataraja (Lord Shiva as the cosmic dancer) from Tamil Nadu is considered a masterpiece. Its intricate details and spiritual symbolism make it one of the rarest and most revered images.
    • The Ellora Caves in Maharashtra house remarkable carvings of Hindu deities, including a massive sculpture of Lord Shiva as Mahadeva.

  1. Temple Murals and Frescoes:
    • The Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur features vivid murals depicting the divine wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
    • Kerala’s ancient temples boast rare wall paintings showcasing unique postures and expressions of Hindu gods.
  2. Historical Manuscripts:
    • Palm-leaf manuscripts from Odisha and Bengal often include intricate, miniature depictions of deities.
    • The Bikaner School of Art produced rare paintings of Krishna’s Raslila, capturing divine love in vibrant colors.

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